A is for Apache (and networking!)

  • Classless Inter-Domain Routing: When a division between network and host in an IP address does not fall on a byte, it is usually noted /XX as in where ...
  • Domain Name System (DNS): a naming system for computers and other devices on the Internet or other networks.
    • Must use official domains designated by the authoritative name server (which is in charge of certain zones)
    • Can't have the same name as anyone else
    • Hierarchy=
      • Root (".")
      • Network
      • (Sub-networks, if any)
      • Server/host
    • The DNS is the "human" way to look at the IP address
    • The computer resolves the computer IP address by sending queries, starting at the root and working down from there.

  • Ethernet: refers to Ethernet technology, which includes hardware such as cables and the protocols, or the manner in which the computers connected by the cable talk to each other. Ethernet is used in a local area network (LAN) such as in an office or your home. Ethernet switches are used when several "nodes" (computers and printers) are hooked up to avoid too much traffic on any one segment of the cable.

  • IP address: The Internet protocol address is a specific set of numbers (represented by humans in decimal form and in host names (e.g. amazon.com) but by computers in binary form) that identify each unique interface between a computer and the Internet. IP addresses are usually dynamic, often assigned by the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP). IP addresses used to be identified by classes that told the computer which portion of the IP address indicated the specific network, and which portion indicated a specific host (or node). Subnet masking and subnets help alleviate the problems computers have in determining this demarcation line. 

    • MAC address: The Media Access Control address is a specific set of numbers and letters that identify each unique node in a network. MAC addresses, unlike IP addresses, usually stay the same-- they are burned into the hardware.
    • NAT: Network address translation, a process the border router uses when nodes have "unlisted" IP addresses (special IP addresses reserved to keep them private) in order to hide the private IP address within a public IP address.
    • Networking Model: the description for how protocols in a suite talk and work with each other.

    • Packet Switching: data transfers that are done in chunks; data may be "scrambled" to get it there faster and then reassembled by the receiving computer. 

    • Protocols: Rules and formats written by computer engineers to "tell" computers how to "speak" to each other so that communication is effective and uninterrupted. There are many types of protocols.
    • Protocol stack / suite: a package of protocols to allow for end-to-end networking. The Internet network model is:
      • Application layer- e.g. email program)
      • Transport layer- decides how to chunk up the data and assigns metadata)
      • Network or Internet layer- moves the data along the Internet
      • Link layer- devices such as drivers that link computers to the physical lines and cables

      • Subnet masking: because we don't use classes of IP addresses anymore, the computer needs a way to know which part of the IP address is network and which is host. So, we give IP addresses subnets. We put 1's in each of the bits (in the 32-bit IP address) we want to say are network and 0's where we want to indicate host. We then have to "and" the binary form of the IP address with the mask to get the subnet.

        • TCP / IP: the manner in which computers interact with other computers and devices on the Internet. The Internet protocol is the highway by which data packets travel. The Transmission Control protocol is what parcels out data, sends it along through the cables, making sure it has a safe journey (if not, requests the info to try again), and helps reassemble all the pieces at the receiving end.